Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]
Rain or shine, Golden Eagle makes sure to clean and disinfect the gym for our student safety! To play video CLICK HERE
Hello Golden Eagle family, It’s hard watching little kids spending hours in front of screens. To watch Master Um’s video message CLICK HERE Be strong and remember your student creed of “I will always give 100% & I will never give up sir!” Master Um
Pandemic Parenting Understanding Your Child’s Regressive Behaviors Raising a child can be one of the most rewarding jobs around. And while it’s exciting to watch children grow and develop into caring humans, parenting definitely brings about it’s fair share of challenges. Fast forward to 2020 and we are now faced with parenting during a […]
How Trauma Affects Children and Teens As we continue to navigate the unchartered waters of the current pandemic, many are looking to the future and what it holds. And while it’s hard to predict how long our current daily life modifications will last, what we do know is that the experience of this trauma will […]
The Key to build deeper human connections with people! In today’s world, there is an overgrowing focus on “me” and less on “us.” This “all-about-me” emphasis has led to a lack of empathy, which, in turn, results in more and more conflict. The primary reason for this…people do not listen. Their focus is on their […]
Some people think Martial Arts will make their Child Aggressive. It’s 100% the other way around. Bullies are driven by Low Self Esteem. Golden Eagle Leadership program will help your child Discover, Develop, and polish themselves to be ready for the World. Creating the Leader within them. Everyday Whisper in your child’s ear…. Yes […]
Golden eagle students who graduated this year, Congratulations! Here is Master um’s video message to you: CLICK HERE
Happy Mothers Day! For all you do and all you are, we love you… Thanks to everyone that participated today Mom & Me class! If you cannot see below video click here: CLICK